When a pandemic hits the best practice is one of consideration. Learn more about how Lake Tahoe Yoga is adjusting to the changes brought on by Covid-19. Hands OffAs most of you know one of the best parts of sharing the practice at Lake Tahoe Yoga is receiving physical adjustments. All of the teachers trained at the Lake Tahoe Yoga School learn how to provide supportive and effective adjustments that help you to either deepen or develop awareness during your practice. Well, we can't be doing that anymore. So, we're adjusting our approach. Rather than provide hands-on support we will be improving our verbal instruction while continuing to demonstrate every posture during the practice. As always, we ask that you ask questions for clarification. If you think you have misunderstood, the teacher misspoke, or you have just become confused feel free to speak up. We are here to teach. Help us to improve by letting us know what you need to know. Keep It CleanYoga studios are notorious for sharing. We share space, tools, products, thoughts, philosophy and conversations. We can continue to share the latter, but spaces and tools have to change. Now is the time to invest in the tools that you like to use when you practice. Lake Tahoe Yoga has access to wholesale pricing and discounts. Reach out with questions about the best mat for your practice, which blocks will last, the best strap, bolster, or blanket. We have always used antimicrobial mats and regularly washed all blankets, blocks and straps. If you've ever met Jenay you know that she is just a little intense when it comes to cleanliness and tidiness. You can rest assured that when you practice with LTY everything will be up to the CDC cleanliness standards. Just BreatheYes, it is more difficult to breathe when something is covering your nose and mouth. Engaging in physical activity with a mask on is no one's preferred way of doing so. Getting sick is way bigger bummer. I like to breathe. I enjoy being healthy and active. I would rather wear a mask than get or give Covid-19. Find a mask that is an expression of you, how you feel, what you're thinking, or spreads joy. Make it an additional accessory that expresses who you are. Work on making your eyes sparkle, stretch out your upper face muscles, and express your third eye. Let's practice together while remaining considerate of the effect we could have on those around us. Stay and keep others safe by wearing a mask while in groups and classes. Join InLake Tahoe Yoga remains open for businesses. We have been continuing to offer classes via Zoom. You can purchase access on our website.
We continue to accept and book live sessions for the future. Book now and we can practice together later. There are no cancellation or change fees. We are flexible and ready to adjust to any changes that have to happen. Paddle Yoga and Beach Yoga plans are in the works. Our scheduled and privately booked sessions will be made available as soon as possible. We look forward to practicing with you, outdoors, safely. Wishing for individualized treatment to address your specific needs? You can request private therapeutic sessions to be in-person or virtual. Don't put off returning to health, creating harmony and developing wellbeing. Now is the time.
Bond with Your BabeAfter having a baby your life may feel like periods of rest between bottles, diapers and feedings. Yoga classes that allow you to include your newborn are opportunities to get out of the house in a safe and clean space with other parents dealing with the same issues. The practice may include movements that encourage you to include your little one, or focus upon you while your infant rests upon the mat. In either case you are given permission to care for yourself while still being present with your newborn. Love Up Your Little OneTouch is one of the most beneficial treatments for baby (and parent) ailments. Hugs, squeezes, rubbing and rocking can have beneficial effects for all of us. While practicing Yoga Asana that allow your body to stretch and slowly release you are afforded an opportunity if mutual benefit. As your body opens, you can give some physical love to your babe. Gnelte stroking if their faces aces and arms can induce a calming effect. Rubbing bellies and backs can encourage digestion’s and bowel release. Hand and foot rubs help baby to develop the sensitity necessary to open and close, flex and extend, in preparation for grasping and waking. Mindful MovementsWhile caring for your newborn, toddler or preschool-aged little one you may become lost in the repetition of actions. Your day might feel like a repetitive rhythm of folding and holding. Yoga Asana provides a variety of movements that help you recover from repetitive movement. In preparation for the arrival of your newborn movement is invaluable. Yoga offers more than poses. As you practice, you will become more aware of your body’s needs. In doing so you will be able to reduce discomfort and prevent pain that could result from the carrying if extra weight and adjustments to your internal organs. Teach Then PeacefulnessNew studies are reviewing the benefits of guided focus and peaceful spaces in lieu of detention and punishment. Starting off your little one’s life with opportunities to enjoy peace, quiet and themselves could give them the ability to do so for the rest of their lives. Not only will Yoga Asana give your babe the chance to move and try new things in a safe place, but the peace and quiet of the studio will help them to feel safe relaxing. They might even begin requesting that you do Yoga at home, too! Learn to TeachKidding Around Yoga will be offering a weekend training in Yoga for Kids! Join us on April 27 & 28 to learn how to teach Yoga for children. A free class will be offered on Sunday, April 28.
You are what you eat, and if you're not fueling your body correctly you might feel run-down. After all, your body is a machine. Food is fuel. Although, there is certainly room within the engine for a treat from time to time. There's a reason luxury car owners only put premium in their vehicles. They know it helps the car run better and can extend its life. It can also help reduce the need for some maintenance tasks down the road. Your body works in the same way. It needs the right food in order to convert it into the kind of energy you can use. This is challenging considering there are a lot of elements in modern-day food that are highly addictive. However, if you focus on thinking of your body as a machine that deserves quality fuel, you’ll get on the fast track to feeling more energetic. How Food Effects Performance1. Sugar is arguably the world’s worst drug. There’s nothing wrong with natural sugar in very small quantities. However, most of the sugar we consume today is highly processed, and we consume it in great quantities. Eating sugar influences your sleep, your fatigue level, your mood, and your overall health. Processed sugar can be linked to type 2 diabetes, is highly addictive, and contains empty calories. Plus, we build up a tolerance for sweetness. A person who has never had processed sugar would likely gag at a slice of birthday cake. Re-train your tongue to natural sweetness, such as berries and fruits, and you'll find an energy boost. 2. Caffeine is the most widely used drug in the world. Caffeine is genuinely a drug, but one that is socially acceptable. It affects every part of the body, including the brain and our energy levels. Like sugar, it is also very addictive. It can cause withdrawal symptoms if you have a coffee habit, and many people think they depend on it to keep their energy levels high. It can work in the short-term, but it also comes with a crash. Weaning yourself off of coffee and replacing it with decaf tea over a long period of time can help stabilize your energy levels. 3. The starve and binge cycle is doing a number on your energy. There are various approaches to eating for fat loss and muscle gain. Many work in the short-term, but at the risk of our sanity and energy levels. One diet in recent years that has leaked over from the bodybuilding world to mainstream society is intermittent fasting. There are many types of this fasting, but a common one is to have an eight-hour “feeding” window every day followed by 16 hours of fasting. During those 16 hours, only water, coffee, and small items less than 50 calories are allowed. It can help bodybuilders cut weight for competitions, but was not meant for non-professionals or for use long-term. As you can imagine, your energy levels will be all over the place. However, it can be addictive to see those pounds (aka water weight) drop so quickly. Remember that diets should be a healthy choice for life with wiggle room, not a prison that dictates your daily life. 4. Let your instincts drive your breakfast decisions. Should you skip breakfast? Only eat all-protein at breakfast? Keep it light? There’s no one answer for everyone. Breakfast is the time when you “break fast," and your body will tell you what it needs in the morning. As long as you’re not regularly heaping piles of pancakes or other desserts playing dress up as breakfast, you'll be on point. Some people need a generous breakfast while others require a little more time to wake up before their body starts asking for fuel. 5. You’re not feeding your muscles or re-fueling after cardio. When you work out, you depend on stored energy (fat and glycogen) to get through it. With weight-bearing exercises, your muscles demand protein immediately afterward to repair and heal. After a cardio session, your body needs a little BCAA boost. Failing to eat, or making poor food choices, after a workout isn’t just draining your energy. It’s also minimizing your workout. Feed Your Body What It NeedsWhen it comes to food as energy, it sounds so simple, but it can be very difficult to choose the right things. There’s a lot tied to food, including emotions and addictions. However, it’s a good idea to simply remind yourself that you’re fueling your body. What do you need, what do you want, and what are you trying to do with food that might be better addressed in another manner?
Hatha Yoga describes the Shatkarma in the second chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Shat is Sanskrit for 6 and Karma is the word for Action. The ancient Yogis believed that in order to understand the universe you needed to first clear out the impurities, toxins and distractions of humanity. To do so you had to begin by cleaning out your body. MovementThe Encyclopaedia of Traditional Asanas describes hundreds of seats; various ways in which to move the body in an effort to eliminate the limitations that result in discomfort. The Sanskrit word "as" means "to sit." Asana can also be interpreted as "establishment in the original state." The postures were designed to create heat (Tapas) allowing us to eliminate toxins and impurities in the physical body so that we could move into svabhava (introversion). The practice of Asana eventually provides us with steadiness and inner awareness of our True Self. EnergyBreath and movement are the keys to Yoga. Every breath directs and deepens movement. Directed breath or kripalu.org/resources/why-do-pranayama Pranayama specifically directs your body, mind and internal energy. Proper practice of Pranayama can lead to the creation of body heat, spiritual experiences and energetic shifts. The formal practices described by Hatha Yoga are done so with a specific intended use and course. Internal CleansingBy today's standards some of the practices described by Hatha Yoga are downright disgusting. Swallowing a milk soaked rag (Dhuati Karma) doesn't sound like something I want to do. However, there are many practices that we continue to apply today in order to keep our bodies clean. Neti: Nasal cleaning involved the use of a string threaded up the nostrils and through the sinus passage. Today we use neti pots, sprays and tissues. Dhauti: Cleansing of the digestive tract included milk soaked rags and forced vomitting. Modern science has helped us to identify foods that can clean our system. Bhasti: Thank goodness for modern science and doctors who help us to keep our colons healthy. Trataka: Blinkless gazing was used to clean the eyes. Many of us practice this just because the view is so beautiful. Eye drops assist us when we are ill or require a little help on a dry day. Consider that which you do to keep your body healthy and clean. Many of our current practices and habits have roots in those of the ancient Yogis. What practices can you add to you life to clear away the toxins from the world around you, eliminate that which you do not need and create a bit more space for internal focus?
Eight LimbsAshta Anga refers to the eight limbs of Yoga. According to the ancient texts, “The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali,” and “The Hatha Yoga Pradipika,” all eight must be practiced in order for Yoga to occur. Yoga is both the means and the end. It is the combination of the practices of right action, speech and thought. What is right is defined by the eight limbs. When we follow the guidelines provided by the ancient Yogis we are more likely to be upon the right path. The Right Practice for YouEvery body is different and each one of us is unique. Just because all of your friends are taking “Hot Yoga” or “Vinyasa,” style classes that does not mean it is the right practice for you. In fact, it is rare that a hot or active practice is the best place for any of us to begin. The additional stress placed upon your body due to warm temperatures and new, challenging movements can actually hurt you. As with anything new, your first Yoga practice should be slow and well directed. You should be given the opportunity to attempt simple movements, ask questions and provide feedback to your teacher about how you are feeling throughout the session. Living in PainI began practicing Yoga because all of my friends were enrolled in the class and it fulfilled a course requirement. I continued practicing because it initially reduced and then eliminated my debilitating back pain. My pain had begun in high school as a result of scoliosis and growth spurts while competitively running in track and cross country. I continued to run while in college and continued to damage my back further. Adding insult to injury; my role as a teacher for children with autism required that I lean forward to reach desks and be at eye level with my students. There were days during which, due to the pain, I couldn't stand up straight, sit comfortably or sleep. Yoga for HealingYoga Asana as well as the calming effects of breathing consciously and mindfulness practices helped me to heal. The movement was the perfect prescription for my back. The breathing helped me to remain calm when managing stressful situations and aggressive students. The mindfulness practices helped me learn to slow down and focus so that I could pause before putting my body into an unsafe position or activity. As I continued to practice I learned the differences between the various modern styles and began to explore the various practices. When I met my teacher, in New York, I was granted access to the lineage of Rajahatha Yoga and began to develop my own practices in a way that best works for my life. Continuing the HealingAlthough I enjoy attending group classes at Yoga studios, my personal practice is what keeps me healthy. I spend less time moving actively and more time slowing down. The more slowly I move, the more awareness I have, and the better I am at addressing whatever issues; physical, emotional, energetic or mindful, that I am dealing with.
If you are ready to begin healing and to feel better through Yoga you might consider seeking out a teacher who has experience in more than just teaching classes. That which you experience physically could be a manifestation of something deeper and vice versa. Seek someone who can offer more than just poses. Find a Guru: a guide who sheds light where it is currently darkness. Guest Blogger: Trevor McDonald / https://trevormcdonald.me/ If you go to the doctor for pain, he’s likely to prescribe something. That’s just how our system works. Modern medicine may try to find and fix the root of the issue, but that’s always the case. Either way, prescription painkillers are likely to make an appearance in your treatment protocol. And anyone who has television can turn on the nightly news for examples of why prescription painkillers are dangerous. Painkiller addiction is common, and it's a problem that's plaguing our nation. If you’re sure you don’t want to follow that path, you’ll be happy to know that there are other options. We tend to think of pain as something that’s localized. If you break your leg, your leg is the problem, right? Somewhat surprisingly, the answer isn’t that simple. Your leg is the root of the problem, for sure, but there are other things involved. Your perception of pain has nothing to do with your leg. Even opioid painkillers don’t work on the source of pain. They work by blocking pain signals in the brain. Short-term pain relief must focus on the brain while long-term relief typically must focus on the pain source. Here’s how to adopt a holistic approach to pain management. Learn how to meditateDo you know how some lucky people just seem to have a higher tolerance to pain? We usually chalk it up to genetics and nothing more. And while genetics may play a role, there’s most definitely more. A Frontiers in Human Neuroscience study suggests that mindfulness training, including meditation, can change a person’s subjective experience of pain. When it comes to pain management, perception is everything. You cannot stop a bee from stinging you, but you apparently can alter the way you perceive the pain. Of course, we’re not talking about turning pain into pleasure like water to wine, but meditation may help alleviate the literal and figurative sting. Researchers found that participants in the pain study showed significantly less pain after meditation, but they also showed an increase in brain activity in the area responsible for self-awareness and perception. Find natural remedies to alleviate painThrough meditation, you may be able to tolerate pain better, but it may not be enough when you're battling an extreme case. If you find yourself in a situation like this, experiment with various natural remedies to alleviate pain. If you’re in a state where medical marijuana is legal, this may be an option. Research has shown that marijuana may be effective at treating some types of pain. Other natural remedies include turmeric, devil’s claw, capsicum, comfrey oil and glucosamine (specifically for joint pain). Treat the source of your painPerception and mediation are great stop-gap solutions to help live your life while experiencing pain, but they will do nothing to help alleviate your pain in the long run. To accomplish lasting pain relief, you must find and address the root cause of the problem. This will be different for different people, but your doctor should be able to help you determine and address pain at the source.
With a holistic approach to pain management, you can get back to a state of good health without having to rely on dangerous prescription medications. You have probably already heard that you should exercise to support your addiction recovery, and you have maybe told yourself you’ll work on that when you get better. However, the benefits of exercise in addiction recovery are extensive, proven, and tangible, and the sooner you start building fitness into your recovery program, the better. How Fitness Helps RecoveryScientists have been researching the impact of exercise on addiction for years, and the take away keeps getting clearer: physical fitness can be an invaluable tool toward recovery and can help people avoid relapse and stay sober. There are several reasons for this, from simple brain chemistry to complex psycho-social and environmental factors.
The Best Types of Exercise for Addiction RecoveryThe most important thing when choosing your exercise is to do something you enjoy. However, there are a few types of workout that have been shown to be particularly effective with recovering addicts. Essentially, there are two popular approaches, both of which have their benefits. One option is to do something that is low-impact but has meditative or soothing properties: Yoga is a great example, as are cycling and hiking. Another is to go in the opposite direction, aiming for an intense workout that will get you that “high”: running, CrossFit, and HIIT are good options. Improving Mental HealthAlthough classified as a mental health issue itself, substance abuse disorder is closely related to other mental illnesses, particularly anxiety and depression. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), an estimated 7.9 million people have co-occurring depression and addiction disorders. As explained above, exercise is great for your mental health, as it reduces stress. It is also proven to help with depression and anxiety, particularly when combined with more traditional medical forms of treatment. Many recovering addicts fear taking medications like antidepressants, believing they have to be “100% sober,” but if you have a mental health issue you should do everything in your power to get better, which can include getting a medical prescription. A Healthy RoutineWhile exercise can get you a long way in helping you stay sober, it is only part of a healthy routine. It is a great first step, but there are other areas in your life you should also be aiming to improve, including your diet, sleep schedule, relationships with others, and how you choose to spend your free time.
The good news is that exercise has been proven to be a keystone habit, meaning people who successfully build an exercise habit are more likely to follow suit in other areas of their lives. Focus on integrating your workout routine into your schedule, and you may see that the rest comes naturally. If it doesn’t, choose one new habit at a time, giving yourself a few weeks or even months to adjust. This allows you to build a stable routine that will stick to, instead of overwhelming yourself with too many resolutions at once. Whether it’s working on your flexibility and balance on a yoga mat or sweating out the stress with a run, throwing yourself into a regular exercise routine is one of the best things you can do in your journey toward recovery. Take some time to find what works for you and incorporate it into your schedule, while taking time to address any mental health issues, and you will soon find yourself on a path to a healthy, full life free from addiction. 1) Tahoe is a Year-Round PlaygroundWe have what are called "Multi-Sport Days" in Lake Tahoe. Any day of the year can include skiing, hiking, biking, swimming, paddle boarding, kayaking, and more. In any month of the year you can go out for a relaxing boat ride or tour the basin via car. Between the Tahoe Basin and the valleys below there are so many options for activities that you will need to stay for more than a weekend to truly understand why we love Tahoe. When planning any retreat, it is important to have options. In Tahoe, they are built in. We have activities for people of all ages, sizes and ability levels. Every day of your retreat can include a new adventure that you can guide yourself, or hire a resident to arrange something just for your group. 2) This is the Air the Angels BreatheMark Twain is quoted as saying, "To breathe the same air as the angels, you must go to Tahoe." Lake Tahoe is the perfect place to breathe freely. The fresh mountain air, blue bird skies and incredible views will refresh and renew you from the outside-in. Residents of the basin will often brag of feeling like "super heroes" when at lower elevation. The thin air results in a need to breathe more deeply, move with consciousness, and consider what your body needs. Every breath you take while on your Yoga Retreat will remind you of the value of breathing. The ancient Yogis would head to the Himalaya to practice. In Tahoe you can discover why they chose the mountains as a place to practice mindfulness, breath and movement. 3) The ViewsIn the studio, on the beach or paddle board, atop a mountain, on a boat, a roof deck or on the lawn; no matter where you choose to practice, the view is sure to be amazing. Studios like Lake Tahoe Yoga offer the unique option of a custom-built practice at the location of your choosing. The intention is to set the stage for a Yoga Adventure. Yoga is the practice of union and one of the best ways to connect with yourself, others and the world around you is to engage. Learn to practice with the sand between your toes, a board shifting on the water, the wind blowing and birds singing. At Lake Tahoe all this an more will enhance your practice. Seek out an instructor who is familiar with the area and has local connections. Tahoe is a magical place with many unique and hidden opportunities. Trying to discover the best view or place in which to practice takes time. Rely on those who know. 4) We Know How to Have FunLake Tahoe is located on the border of California and Nevada. California is known for having a laid back lifestyle and easy going attitude. Nevada has a reputation for nights that never end. Lake Tahoe combines the best of both worlds. Rent a boat and relax on the water or spend some time in the sun on the sand. Tour the Thunderbird Lodge, go down to Vikingsholm, climb up Fannettte Island or dive off of the rocks near D.L. Bliss or walk the grounds of the Pope Estate. In the evenings, plan for food and drinks, dancing and more. There are places to find mocktails, vegetarian and vegan options as well as locally sourced foods. Whichever type of fun you are into, Tahoe can accommodate. Yelp can help, but a resident will be your best source for places to try. The Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority can direct you to Tahoe's Best spots for fun, relaxation, food and more. 5) Tahoe is still a Hidden GemVisitors typically come to Tahoe for two reasons: Winter and Summer. What most people don't know is that Tahoe has more to offer. The warmth of Spring brings with it fields of wildflowers and soft mountain biking trails as well as the rush of waterfalls . The Fall season is crisp and cool. It is the perfect time for a beach cookout or early morning paddle. Tahoe is beautiful during every season, but only peaceful during a few months out of the year. When planning your yoga retreat consider visiting when it's less busy and you'll find that peace is easy to find. Jenay specializes in creating unique practices that honor your requests and always includes some extra TLC. Contact Lake Tahoe Yoga to join a scheduled practice or, have one customized for your group.
When life gets busy, it’s easy to find yourself in a nonstop routine that cultivates tension and anxiety. Awareness of not only your surroundings but also your inner emotional state is fundamental to yoke the energy of concentration. The practice of incorporating mindful practices as well as physical effort can help you establish a happier and healthier life. Your yoga practice doesn’t have to stop when you leave the mat. Whether it’s running out of the house to pick up the kids from sports, making dinner for a family of 8, or even coping with a lost loved one, check out these mindfulness exercises to harness your ability to deal with life’s challenges. Mindful Breathing Never underestimate the power of simplicity. Maintain awareness of your breath and focus your attention on moving the breath in and out. This exercise can be done at any time of the day and in any position anywhere. The results can be tremendous.
Concentration Now that you’ve focused on your breath, follow your breath beginning to end. Sustain your awareness and let fleeting thoughts pass.
Awareness of Your Body Tension in the body can be released by the mind. Awareness of the body can help bring oneness to the body and mind. The more peace and harmony in your breathing, the more it will reflect in your body.
Mindful Walking Self-reflection is essential to appreciating the wonders of life and letting go of the things that hold us back. Mindful walking is a simple technique that can enable you to find your purpose, increase your well-being, and give you the clarity to navigate yourself through the world.
Slow Down A warrior never rushes. Combat the addiction to rush and stay present. Slowing down can sometimes be the best way to speed up. Whether it’s moving slower, taking time to think about the things you speak, find perspective on balance by calming the body, mind, and spirit in preparation for meditation. The combination of mindfulness and physical activity is the crux of combating negative thinking and emotional distress. Although this practice requires discipline and self-control, mindfulness can transform your ability to concentrate and make a breakthrough. The focal point of mindfulness practices is meditation. The combination of physical and mental practices can train the body to stay calm and be observant. This concentration allows one to wake dormant energy toward awakening. Christin Lee is a yoga instructor, entrepreneur, and lifestyle blogger living in NYC. She currently writes for InsiderEnvy with an emphasis and focus on fitness, health, and universal human rights.
When the thermometer reads single digits, and the window shows nothing but wind and snow, the idea of working out can send chills down your spine, literally. The cold has a way of deterring us from fitness goals and leading us to the couch, fireplace and hot chocolate. There are plenty of indoor and fun options for staying fit and focused in the winter. Make a planAs with any time of the year, an important part of maintaining a healthy routine is by planning to commit to a daily dose of exercise.
Try yoga asana as an exercise at homeChanging up the routine can help you make your workouts a little more exciting and give you new feats to discover. According to Healthline, yoga asana is the easiest way to stay fit in winter. You can be any fitness level to start and it can be done at home. Try a new yoga asana class this winter or commit to a fitness plan that can be done at home, with friends, or at the gym. Yoga asana can be done almost anywhere, especially indoors, which means you can stay out of the cold while you work out. There are plenty of free online classes and tutorials that can teach you the basics and get you started.
The Yoga Journal maintains that yoga asana can keep you healthy this winter. By implementing certain poses you can increase circulation and help your body clear out bacteria and viruses by filtering them out through the lymph nodes. A regular yoga routine can also help you stay warm and prevent aches and stiffness. Build your home gym Taking some time and a little investment in a simple home gym can really pay off in terms of motivation. All you need is your body and a few basic tools to help. Having a specifically designated space in your home for your workouts will set you up for success. With just a few basic tools and equipment, you can ensure a full-body and effective workout, even as the snow falls outside.
Don’t let your body down this winter. Keep it active with a creative approach to in-home training. Remember to make a plan and a commitment to yourself and your goals. Implementing exercise as a regular part of your day can bring years of well-being and health. Photo Credit: Pixabay
February 2023