We are tribal creatures who enjoy engagement, connection, conversation, and presence. The practice of Yoga is one of union. Virtual classes provide much, but the connection we feel to others while practicing in person is much deeper. Opening DoorsThe transition to more virtual classes as well as those that are on-demand has opened many doors. You can now access any teacher from anywhere and attend practices that may not have previously been available in your area. The opportunity to learn from new teachers, instructors, and guides has given many of us a chance to expand our knowledge and skills. As we transition from "at home" back to "real life" many of us will continue to practice virtually as well as through on-demand classes. Being able to join in whenever we are able and to re-attend classes we wish to repeat are conveniences we previously didn't have. Missing PiecesMissing from virtual and on-demand practices are the qualities that we seek out as community creatures; connection, energetic exchange, engagement, conversation, and presence. The virtual world is one of connected disconnect. While joining a practice with people from all over the world we get the chance to see, but not to know them. Our guide may be able to provide verbal adjustments and suggestions, but they aren't specific to our individual needs. We see a two-dimensional figure in a flat space and have to shift our bodies and perspectives to see them, then readjust ourselves into the posture. There are sound delays and internet issues that make participating challenging and, sometimes, impossible. The SpaceIf you've ever been to Tahoe you know how magical this place is. There is no way to experience the size of the lake except for being at it. You can't experience the magnitude of the mountains unless you stand among them. An entire tree can't be seen to it's fullest magnificence without your own eyes. To see is to feel, is to experience. Our new practice space at Bliss Experiences has been designed to capture the experience of being at Tahoe whether you are in the basin, or joining virtually. Our intention is to give everyone an experience of being present even if they are unable to be in the space. Of course, there is nothing quite like being within the four walls of our space. Visually and energetically, the experience of being present and with others is unparalleled. TogethernessAs we begin offering indoor, in-person practices again, we will also continue to invite you to attend virtually. You are welcome to join the practice in whichever way you feel most comfortable.
Spaces will be limited in our indoor sessions. Proof of vaccination or a mask will be required to attend. Physical adjustments will only be available during Individualized Private Sessions. We suggest that you bring your own tools. Mats will be available for rent. You may pay a monthly fee to store your materials in our space. Memberships and registrations are required to attend. Outdoor classes will continue to be offered on beach and paddle board during which we will not be requiring masks. We ask that you do a health check prior to attending: if you feel sick, have a temperature or Covid-19 symptoms, please do not attend. Bring your own beach towel, water, and sun protection. Please practice satya (truthfulness) and ahimsa (non-harming) by honestly sharing your vaccination status. Our ability to continue to offer indoor, in-person classes depends upon your honesty and consideration of others and our small business's need to follow the current directives to be able to remain open.
The First Yoga Studio to. . .In 2008, Lake Tahoe Yoga opened as Svadhyaya Yoga (have fun pronouncing that one). Svadhyaya (svah-dee-yah-yah) means Self study and this is the focus of everything that happens at Lake Tahoe Yoga. Studio owner Jenay is consistently learning, growing and creating . . .and failing. In 2008, there was only one other studio in Tahoe South located out in the Tahoe Keys. There was no place to practice Yoga in the Stateline area. When she opened Svadhyaya Yoga, it was the first studio available for Nevada-side practitioners to join in and learn the practice. In 2009, Jenay brought the practice outdoors, combining two of her favorite things: Yoga and the beach! Svadhyaya Yoga Studio became the first Yoga Studio in Tahoe South to offer both studio and beach classes. From late May/Early June through October, you can join Beach Asana classes that are held both in the mornings and evenings. The instructors, trained by Jenay are skilled at varying the practices and know all the tricks for making movement on the beach accessible or challenging. You can find our practice spot by turning right at the end of the Nevada Beach driveway and heading to the North End of the beach. Then, keep your eyes open for our rainbow-colored flags. Introducing New PracticesIn 2010, one of the practitioners at LTY brought a news article into the studio about Paddle Yoga in San Diego. This sparked an idea and Jenay did the footwork to find a location with which LTY could collaborate and offer the practice. A little experimentation, a lot of practice, and years of devotion & consistency has resulted in the best Paddle Yoga classes on Lake Tahoe. South Tahoe Stand Up Paddle is the best connection LTY could ever have. Not only is it easy to access the water from their boathouse, they store, maintain and provide boards for use. In addition, we get to use Riviera Paddle Boards every season. The lack of boat traffic results in crystal clear, calm waters that create incredible images in the photos that are taken during every single class. Focusing Upon Authenticity of PracticeYou can't be everything for everyone. Jenay is a Rajahatha Yoga Teacher which means that every class includes a focus upon traditional Yoga philosophy and practices. She does her best to adapt these practices to our modern times and make them accessible for all. Her team includes instructors whom she has trained and continues to guide and support as they learn to meld the practices that they enjoy with their training in Rajahatha. LTY offers a variety of practices that vary from gentle to active. It is important to read the class descriptions or speak with one of the instructors prior to attending. No two classes are ever the same as our teachers are adept at varying the sequencing and the practice in order to make sure everyone joining gets what they need. Raja is the practice of internal awareness and mindfulness while Hatha is the practice of effort. Every class includes both. We believe that we are the Best Yoga Studio because we are the best at doing what we do. Jenay and the team at LTY will continue to learn, to grow, to create. . .and to fail. While we do so, we hope that you will join us for the practice.
February 2023