Guest Post: We all want to do our best to not only help preserve Lake Tahoe and the beauty that surrounds us, but to keep everything as eco-friendly as possible. It all starts with us. If we think about our daily life, there are so many different ways that we can do our part to keep Lake Tahoe not only beautiful and clean today but for the future. Below are 5 ways you can help: 1. Use Less Water By using less water each day, it has a tremendous impact on the environment. It’s really simple. Take shorter showers. When you are cooking, don’t let the kitchen sink water run unless you need it. And, of course, if you own a home, make sure the sprinklers are on a timer with the minimum amount necessary to maintain your yard. 2. Buy Eco-FriendlyWhether you choose a yoga mat or a new piece of clothing, there are so many eco-friendly choices today. Look for brands with sustainable ingredients for your clothes, your pet’s items and everything you purchase. Bring your own canvas bags to the market and everywhere else to help use less plastic all around. Switch your light bulbs to LED lights that last longer and save energy. 3. Keep Your Car Repaired It sounds simple enough, but we all see oil drippings under cars either in our parking lots or driveways. When the oil leaks from your car, it will eventually end up in a storm drain that will then turn up in some form of watershed. By keeping your car fixed, you can help avoid this. You should also be careful when adding oil and make sure the old used oil is recycled properly. 4. Household Chemicals Need to Disposed Of ProperlyIf you have toxic household chemicals, such as motor oil, paint or any type of solvent, go to your local garbage hauler, environmental health agency or even schedule a pick up so they can be disposed of properly. If you don’t know where to go, google it and you will find different receptacles and services. Also, don’t flush down your medicine, used or unused, in the toilet. Try to dispose of them somewhere locally that is equipped for that. 5. Go sustainableWhile we can do our part to help keep our rivers and lakes clean and free of litter, some of the problems really start with agriculture. Go to neighborhood farmers market and try to find organic farmers. By doing business with local farmers, it can help keep the pesticides out of the environment. It also helps with limiting the need for to truck the food longer distances which helps reduce pollution.
Also, many areas will now allow us to buy their electricity from sustainable sources. If you can switch to a green energy supplier, that’s even better. If we can all do our part each day to help keep the environment clean and our homes eco-friendly, it will only help preserve the beauty and cleanliness of Lake Tahoe.
It smells like Summer! That unmistakable combination of heat, water, sunscreen and sweat is beginning to permeate the air. Are you thinking what I am? Let’s go to the beach! Before we do, though, let’s consider a few Yogic practices. 1) Bring only that which you can easily carry (Bramacarya)A beach umbrella, a chair, some snacks and drinks should do it. Why are you hauling that Easy-Up? Why are you dragging that gigantic cooler? Why did you bring a full meal and where are you going to attach that kitchen sink? When you pack, think about what you really need and what you want to carry out with you. Simplify and spend more time enjoying the beach or your hike rather than overeating, drinking too much and exhausting yourself. Less is more. When you set up camp, consider how you do so. Is your umbrella blocking the view of the lake? Are you taking up more space than you really need? Can you leave more room for others to pass through and access the water? The more we consider each other while in a shared space, the better the space becomes. 2) Consider Your Impact (Ahimsa)From parking your car to establishing your spot on the beach, everything you do impacts the lake. Ride a bike to the beach and it will not only help you to reduce what you carry in, it will also have a lesser impact on the environment. Bring your bike lock so you can park it safely off the beach and allow for more space on the sand for others. If driving is the only way to get there, bring your friends along for the ride. Pack into the car together rather than taking multiple vehicles. Reduce your impact on the roads, your stress level, and leave more room in the parking lot for others. 3) Tone It Down (Mantra) There are some beautiful natural sounds in Tahoe. Every morning I wake to the songs of the black beaked chickadee, morning doves, chipmunks and other critters rising with the sun. It’s one of my favorite moments of the day. When I’m at home, in the woods or at the beach I enjoy listening to the sounds of the mountains and lake. Whether you’re in the house, hiking, riding or relaxing, keep the volume down on both your voice and music makers. Consider how the sounds you’re making or listening to are affecting the space around you. Lower the volume on your speaker so only you and your group can hear the music. Speak in a tone that keeps the conversation among your crowd. Close the doors and windows while you party in the evenings. Lower your tone and your vibration so that everyone can enjoy Tahoe in the way they like. 4) Remain Focused (Dharana)The Tahoe Summer scene is a good one. It’s easy to become distracted while you walk, bike or drive around town. Remember, that you’re visiting a place where people live and work. It’s important to remain focused and follow the same travel rules that exist everywhere. If you want to check something out, pull over and stop to look instead of slowing traffic down. Be sure to check your mirrors for passing bicycles or scooters before you turn into that vista point. Check the map and directions before you head out so that you have a general idea of where you’re going. Move off to the side if you have to check the map or assess your situation while walking or riding. Don’t hesitate to ask for directions or information from a friendly Tahoe resident if you do get confused. Enjoy Tahoe! It’s a magical place! While you’re here, treat it better than you would treat your own home. Show that you care and honor this place so that we can all continue to enjoy everything Tahoe offers.
-Namaste’- |
February 2023