When life gets busy, it’s easy to find yourself in a nonstop routine that cultivates tension and anxiety. Awareness of not only your surroundings but also your inner emotional state is fundamental to yoke the energy of concentration. The practice of incorporating mindful practices as well as physical effort can help you establish a happier and healthier life. Your yoga practice doesn’t have to stop when you leave the mat. Whether it’s running out of the house to pick up the kids from sports, making dinner for a family of 8, or even coping with a lost loved one, check out these mindfulness exercises to harness your ability to deal with life’s challenges. Mindful Breathing Never underestimate the power of simplicity. Maintain awareness of your breath and focus your attention on moving the breath in and out. This exercise can be done at any time of the day and in any position anywhere. The results can be tremendous.
Concentration Now that you’ve focused on your breath, follow your breath beginning to end. Sustain your awareness and let fleeting thoughts pass.
Awareness of Your Body Tension in the body can be released by the mind. Awareness of the body can help bring oneness to the body and mind. The more peace and harmony in your breathing, the more it will reflect in your body.
Mindful Walking Self-reflection is essential to appreciating the wonders of life and letting go of the things that hold us back. Mindful walking is a simple technique that can enable you to find your purpose, increase your well-being, and give you the clarity to navigate yourself through the world.
Slow Down A warrior never rushes. Combat the addiction to rush and stay present. Slowing down can sometimes be the best way to speed up. Whether it’s moving slower, taking time to think about the things you speak, find perspective on balance by calming the body, mind, and spirit in preparation for meditation. The combination of mindfulness and physical activity is the crux of combating negative thinking and emotional distress. Although this practice requires discipline and self-control, mindfulness can transform your ability to concentrate and make a breakthrough. The focal point of mindfulness practices is meditation. The combination of physical and mental practices can train the body to stay calm and be observant. This concentration allows one to wake dormant energy toward awakening. Christin Lee is a yoga instructor, entrepreneur, and lifestyle blogger living in NYC. She currently writes for InsiderEnvy with an emphasis and focus on fitness, health, and universal human rights.
Goodness gracious! Sometimes things just don't go your way. How easily we get caught up in the frustrations of life, whether it be someone driving terribly in front of you, running late to a meeting, your computer won't work or your kids won't stop bothering you. The little things do tend to drag us down.
Yoga reminds us to review the big picture. To remember that those little frustrations will go away. Think about it, do you remember every little thing that's bugged your throughout your entire life? Do you even remember the big things that got to you? Hopefully, you remember the good stuff much more clearly. For example, your favorite birthday celebration, your best friend's wedding, your first kiss, your favorite Yoga teacher and class. As you think about these happier events and experiences perhaps it shifts your perspective, even if only for a moment. The next time your find yourself caught up in life's little moments of suffering, draw upon a past experience to draw yourself out. Life isn't suffering, we just perceive that it is. |
February 2023